60-yr-old arrested in Uttar Pradesh for raping deaf and mute minor

20 January,2022 09:51 AM IST |  Lakhimpur Kheri  |  IANS

An FIR under sections of rape and POCSO Act was registered against him

This picture has been used for representational purpose

A 60-year-old man has been arrested in Uttar Pradesh for allegedly raping a nine-year-old girl with hearing and speech impairment on the terrace of his house.

Station house officer (SHO) at Fardhan police station, Rakesh Singh Yadav, said the accused was caught red-handed by the girl's parents and handed over to the police after a sound thrashing. An FIR under sections of rape and POCSO Act was registered against him.

On Wednesday, he was produced in a local court, which sent him to judicial custody and the victim was sent for medical examination. The girl's parents said that the accused, a neighbour, used to call their daughter his 'grand-daughter'.

The accused had lured the girl with sweets and took her to the terrace of his house where he raped her. When the girl did not return home, her parents started looking for her. They went to the house of the accused and caught him in the act.

The SHO said: "The girl knew the accused for years so she did not hesitate to go with him. The man confessed that the girl was 'an easy prey' since she was speech and hearing impaired." He said that the police would soon file the charge sheet and ensure a speedy trial.

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