Revolutionising Entertainment: “ACinemas” Sets a New Standard for OTT Platforms

15 September,2023 12:11 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  BrandMedia

Initiated by Mr. Shiva Prasad Thangella, AMXR has set its sights on crafting products and services that break the mold, transcending the usual limits of learning and experiencing alternate dimensions of life.

Change is the only constant, as Heraclitus once wisely noted. In our rapidly evolving world, the consistent presence of change in the form of upgrades and updates dictates the very lifespan of entities. Rising from the heart of innovation, Alter Mate X Reality (AMXR), a Hyderabad-based XR Simulation Company, is at the forefront of time, offering a visionary perspective of the world. AMXR dares to challenge conventional solutions by concentrating on delivering cutting-edge solutions across various industries and disciplines, harnessing advanced technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR), and Holographic Projections. Additionally, they extend their prowess into the realms of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Digital Twin solutions.

Initiated by Mr. Shiva Prasad Thangella, AMXR has set its sights on crafting products and services that break the mold, transcending the usual limits of learning and experiencing alternate dimensions of life. AMXR seeks to simplify, enhance, and materialise possibilities, taking into account human cognitive psychology. The core objective of this entrepreneurial venture is to carve out a distinct space in the market by offering services and products that cater to a wide audience at affordable prices, thus enabling everyone to savour the best that AMXR has to offer.

As AMXR spreads its influence, it gives birth to ACinemas, India's FIRST VR OTT Platform - a brainchild of Mr. Shiva Prasad Thangella and Ms. Shreeya Antoo, founders of AMXR's sister company, Alter Media Entertainment Pvt Ltd. ACinemas represents the perfect fusion of technology, innovation, and excitement. ACinemas, a modern OTT platform, showcases the capabilities of Virtual Reality (VR), providing users with a diverse cinematic and media experience, encompassing 2D, 3D, and VR content all in one platform. The platform is meticulously designed to align with human psychology while remaining compatible with a wide range of devices, including mobile phones, mobile VR, TV, and VR standalone devices.

The journey of ACinemas commenced with a singular vision: to provide a grand, distinctive, and wholesome entertainment experience to every household. Recognizing the financial burden of frequent theatre visits for the average person, ACinemas steps in to alleviate that burden by offering a vast cinematic experience with a myriad of content types under one roof, including movies, shows, events, music, games, and more. Driven by this vision, ACinemas has undergone several enhancements to meet customer expectations and revolutionise the cinematic viewing experience. After three years of dedicated work, this extraordinary project is finally ready to embark on its journey to reach the masses. It eagerly anticipates major updates that will elevate it above the competition, breathing new life into the world of OTT entertainment.
ACinemas represents a blockbuster, a new era, and a legend in the making. This platform promises a future of personalised theatrical viewing, serving an array of content types and redefining the traditional cinema experience. Furthermore, ACinemas welcomes new content creators, offering them a direct channel to release their creations to the masses. The foundation of AMXR and ACinemas is built on solid ground, navigating the intricate landscape of technology. Mr. Shiva, the Founder & CEO of AMXR, brings over 13 years of experience in research and development to the table. His impressive portfolio includes HFI Certification, Cognitive Psychology Certification, and extensive XR research. With unwavering passion, he vigorously seeks to transform the perception held by the masses across various industries today.
From a creative director to the director of the iconic AMXR, Ms. Shreeya is an invaluable asset to the company. With her background in the advertising and branding industry, she skill-fully balances creativity and business acumen, shaping the brand's identity. Certified by FIT, New York, she contributes her unique creative insights, guiding the tech world with an approach that appeals to the masses. Proficient in negotiation and seizing the best opportunities, she propels the company towards consistent growth.

Breaking away from the mundane, ACinemas emerges as the future and a significant upgrade to traditional OTTs.

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