Anupam Kher has a unique and smart take on the HandsWashChallenge

19 March,2020 03:03 PM IST |  mum  |  mid-day online correspondent

Taking to his Twitter account, Anupam Kher shared a video with all his fans and said that the HandsWashChallenge is a great initiative, but this is something our parents have been asking us to do since our childhoods. Watch it!

Picture Courtesy: Official Instagram Account/Anupam Kher

Anupam Kher is possibly one of the wittiest people in the Hindi film industry and is known for his tweets and videos. We all are collectively dealing and struggling with what is known as the Coronavirus Outbreak. This pandemic has spread across the world and has infected thousands of people till now.

All the celebrities from India and abroad have asked us how to stay safe and wash hands and wear masks. Kher has also done it a few hours ago on his Twitter account, but what catches the attention is the way he has said it. As stated above, his videos and tweets are driven by wit and sharpness.

In the video and in the tweet, he asked all of us about the HandWashChallenge. He said this is a great initiative but isn't this something our parents have been asking us to do ever since we were children. In the video, he even enacts the fury and anger of the parents who have stubborn kids at home who don't wash their hands frequently.

He also said that doing Namaste is a norm we all grew up with and said how amazingly foresighted our forefathers were. Take a look right here:

Well, this is easily one of the best takes we have seen on the challenge and the Coronavirus pandemic. Here's looking forward to more such videos from the actor soon!

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