Did Rajkumar Yadav and girlfriend have a lover's spat?

16 September,2013 08:36 AM IST |   |  Asira Tarannum

'Kai Po Che!' actor Rajkumar Yadav apparently had a row with his ladylove in full public view

It looks like yet another lovers' tiff, this time between Rajkumar Yadav and his rock-steady girlfriend, Anwita Paul. Sources say recently, the lovebirds had a huge argument. Onlookers say the two quarreled in public view inside a gym and then left in a haste to avoid further embarrassment.

Sources say Anwita had been in the middle of her work-out session in her gym on Friday when her boyfriend marched indoors and was heard saying something unpleasant to her. The actor, who seemed to be in a foul mood, then retired to his car. Soon after, he was joined by Anvita and the couple left in a huff.

Says a source close to the couple, "Rajkumar and Anwita are madly in love. It was one of those rare occasions when he seemed to be in a bad mood. Otherwise he is quite friendly. Rajkumar said something to her and he looked angry." The actor however rubbishes all rumours of their tiff and says, "I only went to pick her up from the gym. We don't fight."u00a0

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