FWICE thank the Film Producers Association for help during COVID-19

16 June,2020 07:54 PM IST |   |  Partnered Content

We sincerely appreciate the humanity and the concern shown by WIFPA towards these daily wage workers considering them the members of the huge family of the Film Fraternity

Dharam Mehra, Gen Secretary FMC - WIFPA and Sangram Shirke, Chairman WIFPA

On behalf of all the workers and technicians of the 32 different crafts of the workers and technicians of the media and entertainment Industry, the Federation of Western India Cine Employees (FWICE) of the Media and Entertainment Industry are thankful to the Western India Film Producers Association and all its committee members for their active participation in providing us the support for our members during the lockdown amidst the COVID-19 PANDEMIC.

The FWICE gives special thanks to Shri Sangram Shirke - Chairman (WIFPA) & Dharam Mehra - General Secretary FMC (WIFPA) for extending hands providing us moral support to face this unfortunate situation caused due to this pandemic. We are thankful for their solidarity and are obliged by their continuous support extended to our members.

We sincerely appreciate the humanity and the concern shown by WIFPA towards these daily wage workers considering them the members of the huge family of the Film Fraternity.

We hope that all associations together can fight these difficult times. And when the shoots begin again we all shall help each other towards common goal of creating magic of movies again.

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