Taapsee Pannu to star in short film Nitishastra

30 May,2018 08:50 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  IANS

Taapsee Pannu is currently awaiting the release of her upcoming feature film Soorma on June 29

Taapsee Pannu

Actress Taapsee Pannu will be seen in a short film titled Nitishastra and she says that her love for telling tales and being a part of some great stories made her say "yes" to the project. "For the love of telling and being a part of some great stories, here is my first ever attempt to be a part of a short film. All because of this man whose vision and story made me say 'yes' to it instantly, Congratulations Kapil Verma. 'Nitishastra' Out for you all to see on. June 4, 2018," Taapsee tweeted alongside her first look from the short film.

The film, a family drama, is directed by Kapil Verma and is presented by Royal Stag Barrel Select Large Short Films -- a digital platform.

Verma thanked Taapsee for saying an "instant yes" to the film.

"It started as an idea that turned into a story and was supported by some great talents. Thanks Taapsee for that instant 'Yes'. Introducing the first look of our short film 'Nitishastra'. A Family drama co-starring Vicky Arora and Aishwariya Sonar," he tweeted on Monday.

This is the first time Taapsee will feature in a short film.

She currently awaits the release of her upcoming feature film Soorma on June 29.

She also has three more films in her kitty -- Tadka, Mulq and Manmarziyan.

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