Babil Khan on growing up with the late Irrfan Khan: I wanted to watch Dhoom, but dad would show me Bergman and Tarkovsky

02 September,2023 10:07 AM IST |  Mumbai  | 

Actor Babil Khan, fresh from his role in Netflix`s upcoming comedy, `Friday Night Plan,` recently shed light on his childhood experiences with his father, the late esteemed actor Irrfan Khan

Babil Khan (right) leads the comedy, `Friday Night Plan`; with his father and late actor Irrfan Khan (L)

Actor Babil Khan, fresh from his role in Netflix's upcoming comedy, 'Friday Night Plan,' recently shed light on his childhood experiences with his father, the late esteemed actor Irrfan Khan. Babil candidly revealed that while Irrfan never tutored him in acting directly, he provided indispensable insights in living life that Babil has carried with him ever since. Babil also reminisced about his father's attempt to introduce him to cinematic masterpieces, even when he had a preference for movies like Dhoom.

Film was a prominent part of Irrfan Khan's household, and it seems like he ensured his son's cinematic diet was infused with global classics and icons early on - even when Babil yearned to watch Bollywood! Speaking to Radio Nasha, Babil recollected, ""My dad and mom both were artists, so I had a very cinema-heavy upbringing. Bergman, Tarkovsky would be playing at home. But I wanted to watch Dhoom and dad would show me Tarkovsky. I grew up in conflict."

Responding to the interviewer's remark about how enriching that must have been, Babil responded with a chuckle and mimicked the iconic bike rev from 'Dhoom'. He said, "I wasn't looking for that depth (at that point in time). But my father would always emphasize 'existence'."

Probed about which trait of Irrfan he has adopted, Babil reflected that he had remembered and carried his father's conduct as a human than as an actor. He said, "Quality as an actor I haven't kept, Quality as a human being I have kept. When you keep qualities as a human being, it reflects in your acting. You know, it's not about acting; acting is not actually what acting is. It's about living and being able to reflect that onto your art through the craft of acting, which you have to learn."

Babil emphasized that the essence isn't in 'acting' per se; it's about truly living and channeling that experience into one's craft, which requires mastering the art of acting.

Speaking more on Friday Night Plan, Babil said that after intense roles in 'Kala' and 'Railway Man,' he had intentionally chosen a light-hearted script that would not require much intellectualizing or philosophizing on the part of the audience. Rather, it was a feel-good film that would leave viewers in good spirits after they had watched it. It looks like the actor is finally getting to live in childhood dream on screen!

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Babil Khan irrfan khan dhoom bollywood bollywood news netflix upcoming movie
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