Mugdha Godse on parents testing positive for Covid-19: It's been torrid for the family

20 May,2021 08:23 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  IANS

She added: It was a difficult time especially with my mom being very serious and in hospital. While there was such a shortage of oxygen cylinders and ICU beds we were lucky to get them.

Mugdha Godse File.Pic/Yogen Shah

Actress Mugdha Godse recently underwent a crucial time, what with her parents (Savita and Hari Godse) testing Covid positive. Her mother had to be admitted to a hospital in Pune in critical condition. However, now when both of them have recovered, the actress looks back at the time and calls it a mentally draining period.

"It's been very torrid for our entire family mentally but thankfully there are better days now. Everyone has recovered and the worst is behind us," Mugdha shares with IANS.

She adds: "It was a difficult time especially with my mom being very serious and in hospital. While there was such a shortage of oxygen cylinders and ICU beds we were lucky to get them. Mom was admitted in Ruby Hall Clinic Pune and I can't thank the doctors, nurses and the attendants enough for doing so much."

The actress reminds all that the fight against Covid-19 is far from over. "I request everyone to take the pandemic seriously and follow all protocols. Stay indoors as much as possible and save our surroundings. I pray that we get through these days soon," she says.

Also Read: Mugdha Godse: I am getting more meaningful roles

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