'Matrix' directors sued for alleged copyright infringement

06 March,2013 02:36 AM IST |   |  PTI

Andy and Lana Wachowski, the writer-director duo behind 'The Matrix Reloaded' and 'The Matrix Revolution', are being sued for USD 300 million by a writer who claims that the siblings stole his idea.

Hawaiian-based writer Thomas Althouse has filed a lawsuit against the siblings, along with Joel Silver and Warner Bros in Federal Court for copyright infringement. Althouse is representing himself in the case, the E!Online reported.

The Matrixu00a0Reloaded. Pic/Santa Banta

Althouse is claiming that the two films were "based and formulated in substantial part" upon his screenplay, and he accused all defendants of willfully infringing on his copyright for purposes of commercial advantage.

In his complaint, Althouse says that he wrote a screenplay titled 'The Immortals', which was registered with the Writers Guild of America in 1993 and copyrighted with the US Copyright Office in 1996.

Althouse claims he subsequently submitted his screenplay to Warner Bros through his attorney in 1993 and the studio acknowledged receipt of his play at that time.

Although the 'Matrix' sequels were both released in 2003, Althouse says he didn't see the films until 2010, and it was then that he began investigating the similarities.u00a0

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