Avengers: Infinity War: Captain America and Bucky reunite in new trailer

09 April,2018 04:46 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  mid-day online desk

Avengers Infinity War new trailer shows Captain America and Bucky reunite and also Black Panther leading the Wakandan army

To continue the hype for the movie, Marvel Studios released a new trailer of Avengers: Infinity War, in which Captain America and Bucky can be seen coming together for the first time since Captain America: Civil War. The clip also shows the Wakandan army, led by Black Panther, preparing for battle against Thanos and his army.

Fans went crazy and took to Twitter, reacting to the new trailer. One user wrote, "Cap and Bucky I'm in tears!" "Marvel dropped a new Avengers out of nowhere. It's so good to see more of the Wakandans and Bucky and Cap have a moment," wrote another. One user tweeted, "Cap and Bucky are in love and Thanos can't stop them."

Watch the new Avengers: Infinity War trailer:

We also get glimpses of Iron Man, Dr Strange, Thor and other superheroes in action. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is converging in the film with Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr), Captain America (Chris Evans), Peter Quill (Chris Pratt), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Dr Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), Chadwick Boseman (Black Panther) and Mark Ruffalo (The Hulk) and other superheroes reuniting to battle the biggest threat to the galaxy, Thanos (voiced by Josh Brolin), who is after infinity stones. Directed by Anthony Russo and Joe Russo, the film is scheduled for an April 27 release.

Also read: Chris Evans on his Avengers: Infinity War co-star: Robert Downey Jr. is the one running the show

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With inputs from ANI

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