Dakota Fanning: I have grown anxious moving froward into my life

11 April,2018 10:27 AM IST |  London  |  PTI

Dakota Fanning says for her making a decision that's going to affect something in her future is overwhelming

Dakota Fanning

Dakota Fanning says she has faced anxiety troubles while growing up. The 24-year-old actor says smaller things being out of place often trigger a sense of unsettlement in her, as trivial as seeing her apartment in a "mess". "I wasn't an anxious child at all, but as I've got older, I've felt more anxiety moving into my life. Usually, the little things I get anxious about are indicative of a bigger thing.

"For me, making a decision that's going to affect something in the future is overwhelming. Or I can be fine for a long, long time, and then I'll walk into my apartment and then (panic) that things are a mess," Fanning told Times Style magazine.

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