Jessica Chastain: It: Chapter Two has bloodiest scene in history

03 March,2019 09:13 AM IST |  Los Angeles  |  PTI

Jessica Chastain recently appeared on The Tonight Show where host Jimmy Fallon asked her about the much-awaited film, which is a sequel to Andy Muschietti's 2017 hit It

Jessica Chastain

Actor Jessica Chastain has teased a scene from her upcoming movie "It: Chapter Two", saying that it will be the bloodiest sequence to be ever shot for a horror film.

The 41-year-old actor recently appeared on "The Tonight Show" where host Jimmy Fallon asked her about the much-awaited film, which is a sequel to Andy Muschietti's 2017 hit "It".

"I'm gonna say something and I think I'm gonna be in trouble but I'm gonna do it. It might be a spoiler, but in the movie there's a scene that someone said on set that it's the most blood that's ever been in a horror film in a scene," she said.

"The next day I was pulling (fake) blood out of my eyeballs," Chastain added. Directed by Muschietti, "It: Chapter Two" will also feature James McAvoy, Bill Skarsgard, Jay Ryan and Bill Hader.

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