Kendra Wilkinson gets drunk after announcing split

08 April,2018 01:10 PM IST |  Los Angeles  |  mid-day online correspondent

Reality TV star Kendra Wilkinson posted a picture where she appeared to be drinking from a shot glass while wearing a pair of headphones

Kendra Wilkinson

Reality TV star Kendra Wilkinson was busy drinking and playing video game hours after confirming her split from husband Hank Baskett. "Lol drunk bunny gamer" the "Kendra On Top star", 32, wrote alongside a picture of herself in a bunny ears filter on her Instagram Story, reported

She appeared to be drinking from a shot glass while wearing a pair of headphones with a microphone that was attached to a video game controller resting on her chest. She added the hashtag "#fortnite", likely to be a reference to the cooperative game of the same name, where players battle zombie-like creatures.

- With inputs from IANS

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