Steve Harvey doesn't want to host Oscars

17 December,2018 04:16 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  IANS

Steve Harvey said that he would pass if such an opportunity presented itself

Steve Harvey

TV host Steve Harvey says he is not interested in hosting the Oscars. In an interview to Entertainment Tonight, the 61-year-old comedian said that he would pass if such an opportunity presented itself, reports "Hell, if they won't let Kevin Hart host the Oscars, how the hell are they going to let me host the Oscars," he wondered. "Oh no, I can't host the Oscars. I don't want to host the Oscars because I don't want them digging up my past," Harvey added.

Actor-comedian Kevin Hart recently dropped out as the host after old homophobic tweets were dredged up from his Twitter feed. Oscars 2019 will be held on February 24. While Harvey has no interest in the Oscars, he is still quite excited about hosting the Miss Universe pageant which is taking place in Thailand. The beauty pageant will be held in Bangkok on Sunday.

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