US Ambassador to India Ken Juster condoles demise of Irrfan Khan

30 April,2020 07:36 AM IST |  Washington D.C  |  ANI

Our heartfelt condolences and prayers go to the family and friends of Irrfan Khan, renowned and respected Indian film actor. He was a true talent in the cinema industry, and his loss will be deeply felt, Juster said in a tweet.

Pic courtesy/Ken Juster's Twitter account

US Ambassador to India, Ken Juster has condoled the demise of Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan who passed away on Wednesday.

"Our heartfelt condolences and prayers go to the family and friends of Irrfan Khan, renowned and respected Indian film actor. He was a true talent in the cinema industry, and his loss will be deeply felt," Juster said in a tweet.

The internationally renowned actor passed away at Mumbai's Kokilaben Hospital on Wednesday while battling rare cancer. He was 53. Irrfan was last seen on screen in 'Angrezi Medium'. He was not a part of the film's promotions owing to his ill health.

With critically acclaimed films like 'The Lunchbox' and 'Paan Singh Tomar' to his credit, Irrfan was regarded as one of the finest actors in Hindi cinema.

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