Britney Spears suffers nerve damage on right side of her body

08 November,2022 10:44 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  IANS

Britney took to her Instagram on Monday to share a video clip of her dancing and twirling to the beats of a song

Britney Spears. Pic/AFP

Pop icon Britney Spears seems to have suffered an irreparable nerve damage on the right side of her body.

Dancing in front of the camera all the time for social media is her way of battling the pain as dancing really helps soothe her pain receptors.

She took to her Instagram on Monday to share a video clip of her dancing and twirling to the beats of a song. In the video, she can be seen wearing a red top, black hotpants and a glove on one hand. She penned a long note along with the dancing clip making her followers aware of her condition.

She wrote, "I'm dancing in time now Victoria... yes... nerve damage on the right side of my body... there's no cure except God I guess... nerve damage is caused sometimes when you don't get enough oxygen to your brain... your brain literally shuts down blah blah blah old story... in that place I didn't breathe when I was there... nerve damage causes parts of your body to go numb. I wake up like 3 times a week in bed and my hands are completely numb (sic)."

Also Read: Britney Spears cries on camera in social media dance video

Talking about how excruciating it is for her at times, she mentioned in her note, "Nerves are tiny and it feels like pins and needles from the right side of my body it shoots up to my neck and the part that hurts the worst is my temple on my head... it stings and it's scary... the last 3 years since I got out of that place I've been in a mild unconscious state... I couldn't face it. It was like it was too scary to be here... although my Instagram has not been up to par to most (sic)."

She then added how the act of dancing acts as a pain reliever for her, "Hey hey hey it gave me existence and got me here... it's funny though when I dance I don't feel the pain... it's like my mind literally goes to a place of my inner child. And although I don't move like I use to... I truly believe my faith in it gave me strength... by the grace of God I finally found a medication where I actually feel oxygen going to my brain and through my neck, my eyes are more open now and I can hold my head up correctly."

"I've done a good job trying to pull it off. Either way I'm getting a lot better, I can breathe... I feel smarter because well, Jesus I can breathe now... either way, I'm breathing now and I can dance in time, Victoria... I send all my love to every single one of you... this is me this morning. I'm gonna vacuum now," she concluded her note.

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