Cate Blanchett goes barefoot at Cannes

21 May,2023 07:49 AM IST |  Washington  |  Agencies

The actor kicked-off her stilettos in solidarity with the women of Iran

Cate Blanchett

Cate Blanchett kicked off her stilettos on Friday night as she took the stage at the Cannes Film Festival party. Because this is Cannes, where women are mandated to wear heels on the red carpet, shoes have become a political symbol on the French Riviera. Indeed, in this case, as reported, Blanchett went barefoot to make a statement - to stand in solidarity with the women of Iran. The A-list actor, who was to present Holy Spider star Zahra Amir Ebrahimi with a breakthrough artiste's award, grabbed the trophy and joked, "This is to stab everyone who stands in the way of women's rights. Up the vajayjay!" Vajayjay, incidentally, is the jocular expression for vagina. In her remarks, Ebrahimi called attention to her home country Iran, which is "executing innocent people".

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