Charlie Chaplin’s daughter Josephine Chaplin passes away at 74

23 July,2023 07:52 AM IST |  Washington  |  ANI

She is survived by her three sons; Charlie, Arthur and Julien Ronet; and her siblings Michael, Geraldine, Victoria, Jane, Annette; Eugene and Christopher, reported Variety

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Comedy legend Charlie Chaplin's daughter and actor Josephine Chaplin passed away at the age of 74.

According to Variety, a US-based media outlet, Chaplin died on July 13 in Paris, according to an announcement from her family.

Born on March 28, 1949, in Santa Monica, California, Josephine Chaplin was the third of eight children born to Charlie Chaplin and Oona O'Neill. She began her career on screen at a young age in her father's 1952 ‘Limelight.'

She is survived by her three sons; Charlie, Arthur and Julien Ronet; and her siblings Michael, Geraldine, Victoria, Jane, Annette; Eugene and Christopher, reported Variety.

Talking about her acting career, she starred in a number of films. In 1972 featured in Pier Paolo Pasolini's award-winning film ‘The Canterbury Tales' and Richard Balducci's ‘L'odeur des fauves.' The same year, she also starred alongside Laurence Harvey in Menahem Golan's 1972 drama ‘Escape to the Sun' about a group of people attempting to flee the Soviet Union.

Later, in 1984, she starred in the Canadian drama ‘The Bay Boy,' a film that marked the start of her co-star Kiefer Sutherland's acting career. In 1988, she starred as Hadley Richardson, opposite Stacy Keach as Ernest Hemingway, in the television mini-series ‘Hemingway,' as per Variety.

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