Charlize Theron considering leaving US over racism

15 April,2018 08:25 AM IST |   |  PTI

Charlize Theron says she has considered leaving the US for the sake of her adopted African-American children due to increased concerns over 'racism'

Charlize Theron

In an interview with Elle Magazine, Charlize Theron opened up about her concerns for the future of the USA, reports "I don't even know how to talk about the last year under our new administration. But racism is much more alive and well than people thought," says Theron.

Theron said due to the current political and social climates in the country, she wants to ensure her African-American children, ages six and two, feel safe. "There are places in this country where, if I got a job, I wouldn't take it. I wouldn't travel with my kids to some parts of America, and that's really problematic," she said.

"There are a lot of times when I look at my kids and I'm like, if this continues, I might have to (leave America). Because the last thing I want is for my children to feel unsafe." Theron, 42, was born in South Africa and grew up during the country's apartheid era. "They're going to have to know that it's a different climate for them than it is for me, and how unfair that is," added the Oscar-winning actress.

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