Harvey Weinstein to remain jailed in New York awaiting rape retrial

11 May,2024 10:44 AM IST |  New York  |  IANS

Former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, whose name became synonymous with the #MeToo movement, will continue to be detained in New York

Harvey Weinstein

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Former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, whose name became synonymous with the #MeToo movement, will continue to be detained in New York as he awaits a retrial for rape charges.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the decision was reached on Thursday, as the courts deliberate whether Weinstein should remain in New York or be extradited to California, where he faces another conviction.

Weinstein's retrial, scheduled after Labor Day, is the result of the overturning of his 2020 conviction on rape charges by the New York State Court of Appeals on April 25.

The court must now determine whether he should stay in New York or be transferred to California to serve his 16-year sentence for a separate conviction.

During a brief court hearing, Weinstein's legal team denied consent for his extradition to California, effectively keeping him in New York for the time being.

As per The Hollywood Reporter, Attorney Diana Fabi Samson stated that California must produce a warrant signed by the governor before any extradition can take place. Weinstein, who recently left a New York hospital, appeared in court in a wheelchair wearing a dark suit. Samson emphasized his need for medical care while in custody and underscored the procedural requirements for extradition.Following his conviction in 2022, Weinstein was initially sent to an upstate New York prison but was transferred to the Rikers Island jail complex after the recent appellate court decision.

His next court appearance in New York is scheduled for May 29, with another appearance related to the Los Angeles case set for August 7.

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