Helen Mirren, Ian McKellen to star in 'The Good Liar'

13 March,2018 12:35 PM IST |  Los Angeles  |  PTI

Veteran actors Ian McKellen and Helen Mirren are set to star in New Line's drama The Good Liar.

Sir Ian McKellen

Veteran actors Ian McKellen and Helen Mirren are set to star in New Line's drama "The Good Liar." The film will be directed by Bill Condon, who most recently helmed Disney's "Beauty and the Beast", reported Deadline. Condon will also produce with Greg Yolen.

Jeffrey Hatcher has written the screenplay for "The Good Liar", based on the novel by Nicholas Searle. New Line acquired rights to the book two years ago. The film revolves around career con artist Roy Courtnay (McKellen), who can hardly believe his luck when he meets well-to-do widow Betty McLeish (Mirren) online. As Betty opens her home and life to him, Roy is surprised to find himself caring about her, turning what should be a cut-and-dry swindle into the most treacherous tightrope walk of his life.

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