Hugh Jackman puts out public plea to help him connect with visually impaired student

30 August,2023 08:00 AM IST |  Los Angeles  |  IANS

Hugh Jackman recently reposted a video asking fans to help connect him with the young boy in the clip. As per reports, the video has a young boy named Ashton who is blind and starting middle school

Hugh Jackman. Pic/AFP

Hollywood star Hugh Jackman has put out a public plea. The Wolverine actor recently reposted a video asking fans to help connect him with the young boy in the clip.

The video, which was originally posted on our Blind Side's Instagram page, showcases a young boy named Ashton who is blind and starting middle school, reports ‘People' magazine.

"Hi everyone here at @goodnews_movement," Hugh Jackman, 54, wrote over his repost of the video on his Instagram Story. "If you know how I can be in touch with Ashton please dm me. I'd like to wish him an amazing new school year."

He concluded, "Thanks for the help! HJ."

As per ‘People', showcasing the student walking through school hallways with a white cane, the video also includes Ashton's mother encouraging parents to teach their children about blind students, and asks children to include others who have disabilities.

"Inclusion starts at home and parents should talk to their kids about these things before sending them to school every year. It will make a difference for my son if you have these kind of talks with your kids," the caption on the original post read, in part.

"Teach them to not only be kind but to look past differences this year and make a new friend like my son," Ashton's mother also wrote over the video.

The video has gone viral on social media, with many highlighting the importance of teaching children to be kind and include others who may not look or act like them.

Hugh Jackman's Instagram Story plea comes after his showcase of "cheat meals." The star has recently been using his Instagram to reveal his meals at different restaurants.

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