Jackie Chan's memoir 'Never Grow Up' to be published

17 June,2018 11:27 AM IST |  New York  |  PTI

I hope those who read my stories can come to learn that Jackie Chan is, after all, an ordinary man who had the courage and determination to do extraordinary things, Chan said in a press release from the publishing house

Jackie Chan

Chinese action star Jackie Chan's memoir "Never Grow Up" is all set to be published by Gallery Books. In the candid memoir, 64 year-old Chan, one of the most recognisable Asian faces in Hollywood, will reflects on his early life including his childhood and years at the China Drama Academy, his big breaks (and setbacks) in Hong Kong and in the West, his numerous brushes with death both on-and-off film sets, and his life as a husband and father.

"I hope those who read my stories can come to learn that Jackie Chan is, after all, an ordinary man who had the courage and determination to do extraordinary things," Chan said in a press release from the publishing house. Chan, whose filmography ranges from "Police Story" series, the "Rush Hour" series, "Shanghai Noon" and the "Karate Kid", also discusses about his youth that he spent accumulating possessions and how he has turned his attention toward charity in more recent years, becoming a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. The memoir is scheduled for publication in November this year, said Gallery, an imprint of Simon & Schuster.

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