Jennifer Lopez opens up about feeling 'misunderstood' amidst divorce rumours with Ben Affleck

23 May,2024 08:15 AM IST |  Washington  |  ANI

The 54-year-old star`s remarks come amidst ongoing speculation about her relationship with Affleck, whom she married in July 2022

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck. Pics/AFP

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Amidst swirling rumours surrounding her relationship with Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez has spoken out about feeling "misunderstood at times," drawing parallels between her emotions and those of her character in her upcoming sci-fi film, 'Atlas.'

In an interview with People Magazine at the film's Los Angeles premiere, Lopez expressed, "We are so different because she, like, doesn't wear any of her emotions. She's so closed off and I am too much emotion sometimes."

She further reflected on her character's strength and certainty, remarking, "At times. She was very sure... felt very misunderstood at times. I can also relate to that a bit."

The 54-year-old star's remarks come amidst ongoing speculation about her relationship with Affleck, whom she married in July 2022.

Recent reports from Page Six revealed Affleck's house-hunting activities in Los Angeles, coinciding with Lopez's solo real estate browsing.

However, insiders have clarified that Lopez's property search is unrelated to divorce rumours, suggesting she is considering investment opportunities.

Sources also hinted at marital troubles brewing for several months, with recent events adding fuel to the breakup speculation.

Lopez's social media activity, including a 'like' on an Instagram post about unhealthy relationship traits, intensified the rumours, as per Page Six.

Additionally, a source close to Affleck revealed to Page Six his reconsideration of their union, expressing sentiments of disillusionment.

Insiders suggest Affleck feels Lopez struggles with satisfaction, citing it as a significant issue in their relationship.

Recent solo appearances by Lopez, including her attendance at the 'Atlas' premiere with her wedding band on display, have only fueled speculation, particularly as Affleck was occupied with filming commitments.

The couple, who initially got engaged in 2002 before separating in 2004, tied the knot in August 2022.

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