Lena Dunham suffering from severe pain

07 October,2018 02:53 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  IANS

Lena Dunham is suffering from fibromyalgia, which causes widespread pain throughout the body

Lena Dunham

Actress Lena Dunham is suffering from fibromyalgia, which causes widespread pain throughout the body. Dunham, 32, opened up about living with the disorder in a candid Instagram post she shared with her followers on Saturday, reports dailymail.co.uk.

Fibromyalgia is a disorder associated with widespread pain throughout the body and impacts mostly women. Dunham's said: "This is a post about chronic pain. I have it. I bet a lot of you do too. Some of us talk about it. Others are afraid to, as it could cost them their jobs or their relationships or their sense of control in a chaotic world. In this way it's very analogous to sexual trauma.

"There is also (as Lady Gaga so wisely shared this week) a proven connection between chronic pain and trauma. Therefore, a lot of people -- a lot of women -- find their pain is activated by weeks like this one."

She revealed that her symptoms were activated a day after Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testified against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

"On the day after Dr. Ford's testimony I awoke with a start at 3 a.m. It felt like every cell in my neck was singing. My ankles and wrists were weak and my fingers didn't do their assigned job.

"I felt like I was suspended in gel, and when I meditated a line of pain zipped from my neck to my foot. I'm sorry if I don't answer your text or email, or if I can't show up the way someone else would. I appear to be totally able bodied but it's complex, and I am just trying to do everything required to maintain a life of joy and service."

Dunham said that her "work costs everything I have".

"This is fibromyalgia. It's little understood and so even though I have a lot of knowledge and support it's hard to shake the feeling I am crazy. But I'm not (at least not this way!) and you're not. Your pain, whatever shape it takes, is yours and so it is real. I believe you when you say you hurt. I have learned time and time again how important it is to believe."

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