Prachi Tehlan to be seen in Lord Shiva avatar

24 February,2018 09:37 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  IANS

Actress Prachi Tehlan is set to don the avatar of Lord Shiva in the TV show Ikyawann. Prachi said her character will optimise the occasion of Shivratri in the show and dress up as an avatar of the God to enter her house, read a statement

Prachi Tehlan

Actress Prachi Tehlan is set to don the avatar of Lord Shiva in the TV show "Ikyawann". Prachi said her character will optimise the occasion of Shivratri in the show and dress up as an avatar of the God to enter her house, read a statement."

"It was because of Satya's (Namish Taneja) bad behaviour with Susheel (Prachi) that she plans to leave the house and go back to her parents' place. On her way back, she sees Satya at a dhobi ghat. Completely unaware of Susheel's presence, Satya expresses his true feelings for Susheel. She is overwhelmed listening to how he feels for her," said Prachi.

"She is all in tears and plans not to go back home and return to her in-laws' place. And because it is Shivratri, she plans to enter the house in a new avatar of Lord Shiva," she added.

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