Vicky Ratnani on Chef vs Fridge: None of them are hobby-chefs

19 May,2021 07:45 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  Agencies

Vicky Ratnani on how Chef vs Fridge stands out from other cookery shows

Vicky Ratnani

In the ongoing version of the cooking show, Chef vs Fridge, frontman Vicky Ratnani blends a variety of cuisines, and consumption styles to test the creativity of the participants. "You can think of Indian street food with the gourmet-style presentation, Punjabi [cuisines] blended with global ingredients, and cuisines from royal palaces. We focus a lot, and are creatively involved in deciding what the key ingredient in the fridge should be in each session. There is a lot of sharing of knowledge on the show," says Ratnani of the Zee Cafe offering.

In a bid to ensure that the show stands out from the variety of cookery shows, he says it was crucial to rope in chefs with some history of cooking. "None of the participants are hobby-chefs. They have either worked in restaurants, or are ex-chefs who now teach [cooking]. The show has a good mix of people who have their own story, and come with their own knowledge about food. Each episode has an emotional tone, and none of it is melodramatic."

He adds that the fact that each show is sufficient in itself, showcasing two participants compete against one another in stand-alone episodes, is another bonus. "There are no stylists. The participants design their own plates."

Also read: Gaurav Gera: Didn't pretend to know what focaccia is

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