Dance can be uplifting during these uncertain times

03 May,2021 12:56 PM IST |  New Delhi  |  IANS

Sangita Chatterjee, kathak exponent and faculty at Pink Lotus Academia, shares how dance can lift spirits during tough times

Representative image. Pic/iStock

Passion is something that is performed not only with our body but with our spirit, with our highest possible state of being. When we dance we feel that our spirits have been lifted. We enjoy every moment and the reason behind this is because dance is not only about your body moving rather about the spirit feeling free and lifted.

In these tough times, if we can devote our time to anything that we do with passion, not only dance, it can be music for someone, painting for another but any activity that helps you release your negative emotions, it can fill you with a lot of joy that will come from your own spirit and your high life condition.

Just remember that this too shall pass, and by that time, we can keep our passion alive and dance our hearts out to face these tough times.

Right now what we have been facing is an unprecedented situation, a crisis that humanity has never faced before. The time in itself is teaching us to live in a moment and dance is all about that. That is what we artists and dancers have been doing through our training in dance. With everybody sitting at their home, it is okay to feel anxious at times, but it is not okay to let our mental health suffer. Dance can be an important source of feeling better, whether physically, emotionally, or mentally.

As dancers, we have been trained to live in the moments, and maybe that is why dance lets us be a little more equipped where we can be present at the moment. Rather than focusing on the past or future, it is always about the moment which is important, which has to be cherished, celebrated, and lived.

The Pink Lotus Academia is an online and offline tutorial platform, a creative organisation playing on the benefits of Indian classical arts and culture so that they help in boosting artistic faculties beyond the realm of performance to health and well-being. The idea is to incorporate their benefits and wholesomeness into any activity of our personal and social lives. Our lessons happen through video tutorials, personal coaching, group classes, skill development, advice, mentoring, workshops and concerts.

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