Kozhikode Medical College Hospital orders probe into 4-year-old's surgery goof-up

16 May,2024 04:06 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  mid-day online correspondent

In what is believed to be another major goof-up at Kozhikode Medical College Hospital, a four-year-old girl, on Thursday, fell victim to serious medical negligence, and a probe has been ordered

Government Medical College, Hospital

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In what is believed to be another major goof-up at Kozhikode Medical College Hospital, a four-year-old girl, on Thursday, fell victim to serious medical negligence, and a probe has been ordered.

According to relatives of the child, she came to the hospital because she had six fingers on one hand.

"We were told that it could be removed through a minor surgery so we agreed. A while later, when the child was wheeled back, we were surprised to see the girl's mouth was in plaster. We did not know what happened and then when we checked her hand, the sixth finger was still there," said a relative.

"We informed the nurse and when she heard it, she was smiling. We were told that there was a problem with her tongue too, and that was rectified. Soon the doctor came and apologised for the mistake and said the sixth finger will be removed, and took the child away," added the relative.

With this becoming news, the concerned authorities have ordered a probe into the matter.

This incident comes at a time when this hospital is in the news after Harshina, a lady in her 30's, was on a long protest for her complaint that after her c-section, the doctors left a pair of scissors in her abdomen, This complaint turned out to be true and the erring staff members have been identified.

Also Read: How this miracle surgery saved the tongue of a 32-year-old woman in Mumbai

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