For a greener office

12 July,2011 08:56 AM IST |   |  Sukanya Ghosh

Feeling conscious about your carbon footprints? Well, it's high time you did something concrete to reduce it. Here's what you can do while you are working

Feeling conscious about your carbon footprints? Well, it's high time you did something concrete to reduce it. Here's what you can do while you are working:

Save the trees
Recycle! Yes, we know it is hackneyed, but it works. How many printouts can you do without, in a day's work? Can you think of making scribble pads out of the old printouts and put them into use in some manner? Ask for your phone bill online. They even give you a discount on those. If you have large documents to read through, try and read them on PDF formats instead of using up more paper in the printer. This will help you save many trees from getting felled.

Handkerchiefs can replace tissue papers. This one will get you very strong eco-awareness points, because hankies are recyclable and too many trees get cut down in order to make tissues.

Power savvy
Buy a power strip for your electrical appliances. You could buy one that has a switch that allows you to turn the strip on or off on each socket separately. When appliances are plugged in, they'll drain energy even when you are not using them. So try to not leave the charger hanging from the socket. By turning off the power strip when you leave the room for an extended period of time, you can save the energy that would otherwise have been wasted by the unused appliances.

Switch off
Switch off lights and fans whenever you are out of your workspace. Everyone knows this simple little thing and yet ignores its potential. Use CFL light bulbs. They not only consume less electricity, but also last longer than the other ones.

Say no to plastic
Stash away a handy bottle, mug or glass in some safe space at work. With every drink, you have saved one paper cup. Do the same for water. Carry your own bottle of water when you go for conferences or traveling locally. There'll be one person less buying bottled water.

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greener office Feeling conscious working