Health special: Shout your way to a stress-free life

12 December,2014 08:26 AM IST |   |  Hassan M Kamal

De-stress and detoxify yourself at a session that will be filled with lots of screaming, shouting, gibberish and dancing

Mumbai Guide, health, Veechi Shah, Scream, workshop, de-stress

In today's times, it's hard being oneself, especially when you are expected to behave in a certain manner all the time, be it at home, workplace or in public. So, what should someone who wants to vent his frustration do? Life coach Veechi Shah has a solution: scream.

Screaming can help release stress, says life coach Veechi Shah

"Screaming can be very useful in getting all the pent-up pressure out," says Shah, who will be conducting a special workshop on de-stressing and detoxing based on Osho Meditation Techniques at Temperance, this Saturday.

Scream and shout
"We have been conditioned to behave in a certain way at workplace, at home and in public. But often it's opposite to how we feel in real life. There's aggression, depression, and anxiety, but we are not letting it out. On any given day, there's a lot of screaming and shouting happening inside the mind, but we suppress it. All this creates a gap between the real person and the one we show outside.

The workshop guides people to let this inner frustration out via screaming and shouting," she adds. But why join a group? One can scream their lungs out in a closed room as well, right? "Firstly, few are aware that they are stressed out. Many don't accept that they might be stressed out, even though their behaviour may show otherwise. Being in a group, you work as a team, and address these inner frustrations collectively.

Besides, being in a group makes de-stressing fun," she adds. A certified hypnotherapist from the California Institute of Hypnosis, Shah was involved in Vipassana meditation and the Osho community. She also runs a healing company, called A New Life, in the city.

Let go
Shah says that her method combines effective body movements and exercises with gibberish. "The idea is to let loose, and have fun. In workshops, we speak a lot of gibberish, letting things out without any meaning attached to them. We also use a combination of simple exercises like making a fist and lifting one's hands in the air, along with dancing and music to help people de-stress," she shares.

The workshop is open to those above 16 years of age, as Shah believes that, "Children are more stress-free as compared to children. They are always running around and screaming, and find ways to de-stress. It's teenagers and adults who struggle to release the pressure. Besides, we don't want to expose children to the frustration of adults, so the age limit."

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