Technology: Bet on your favourite IPL team with this new app

20 April,2016 08:20 AM IST |   |  Hassan M Kamal

Test your luck this IPL season by betting on your favourite teams via the GoPaisa app

While we are still undecided on allowing betting in cricket, try your luck during the current IPL edition with the GoPaisa app. Available on all Android devices for free, the cashback and coupon app recently launched GoPaisa Premier League (GPL), a cash free betting platform, that allows you to predict and bet on your favourite team without making any monetary transactions.

So, how does it work? The app relies on GoPaisa points. Signing up with the app earns you 1,000 GoPaisa points (the official release said 500 points but we received 1,000 points on sign-up), which you can use to start betting on the platform. Depending on your appetite for risk, you can bet on any of the three categories - Toss Ka Boss (on the team winning of the toss before the start of every IPL match), Match Betting (on the day's winning team) and Cup Betting (predict and bet on the team that has the potential to become the IPL champion of 2016). Betting shuts half an hour before the start of the match.

You can bet any number of points (subject to the availability of maximum points in your account), and if you predict correctly, you will win points in multiples of the rate of the team that was at stake. For example, on Tuesday's match between Punjab and Kolkata, under Toss Ka Boss, the multiplier was 1.90x. Unfortunately, since Punjab lost the toss, so we lost 400 points.

However, if we had bet on Kolkata, we would have earned 760 (400x1.9) points. The same rules apply to the Match Betting and Cup Betting categories. However, the multiplier is higher on the other two. In fact, at the time of going to print, betting on Mumbai under the Cup Betting category can earn you 11x points.

No payment is required to sign-up for the app or to participate in the betting process. You can't buy points either. However, you can earn more points by participating in activities for example, posting GPL updates on Facebook and Twitter earns you 20 points each time.

You also earn 200 points on referring a friend or shopping via any of the GoPaisa partner websites. The points earn on GoPaisa can be used to make purchases on the website as well.

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