Here's how dementia patients can live a better life

09 May,2018 06:05 PM IST |  London  |  ANI

The research carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis to examine all available evidence about the factors that are associated with quality of life for people with dementia

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London: Good relationships, social engagement, better everyday functioning, good physical and mental health, and high-quality care have been identified as some crucial factors linked to better quality of life for people with dementia, according to a study.

"While many investigations focus on prevention and better treatments, it's equally vital that we understand how we can optimise quality of life for the 50 million people worldwide who have dementia," said professor Linda Clare.

"We now need to develop ways to put these findings into action to make a difference to people's lives by supporting relationships, social engagement and everyday functioning, addressing poor physical and mental health, and ensuring high-quality care," Clare added.

The research carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis to examine all available evidence about the factors that are associated with quality of life for people with dementia. It included 198 studies, which incorporated data from more than 37,000 people.

The study found that demographic factors such as gender, education marital status, income or age were not associated with quality of life in people with dementia. Neither was the type of dementia.

Factors that are linked with poor quality of life include poor mental or physical health, difficulties such as agitation or apathy, and unmet needs.

Whereas, factors that are linked with better QoL include having good relationships with family and friends, being included and involved in social activities, being able to manage everyday activities, and having religious beliefs.

The study was published in the journal Psychological Medicine.

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