Why 'logging off' Facebook is crucial for sanity

16 July,2013 01:36 PM IST |   |  ANI

Popular social media site Facebook has many reasons to be loved and feel connected to. However, there are also some important reasons to 'log off' from the site so as to 'stay connected' to the real life

According to Sydney Morning Herald, the top most reason that a user should consider logging off from the site is the ‘unconcious addiction' it brings with it. One may not realize but the addiction often takes over the real life and one study claims that on average, women spent 81 minutes per day Facebooking, and men spent 64 minutes.

Behavioural problems include low self esteem Facebook users, especially females, feel more body conscious by looking at friends'' online photos and other such problems include increased narcissim, aggressive behaviour and sleeping problems.

The report said that Facebook activities may also influence job recruiters' take on considering a candidate based on their account's content and similar condition applies to university applications as well.

According to the report, the most popular or the most irritating activity of a user is that of ‘post break-up' updates. Considering logging off during the tough time can not only help one get over the heart break soon but also allow one to handle the situation in a mature manner.

Other reasons one should deactivate the account is for the simple reason that it fires envy in other users seeing pictures, posts and statuses about one's happy moments and is also bolsters gossip and online bullying, which can only make those involved feel worse.

For all those academics that tend to feel all the more addicted to the site during exams, should consider asking their trusted friend to change their account password till the exams are over.

The report highlighted the most crucial of all the reasons which is ‘privacy'. Knowing that the recently launched ‘Graph Search' allows more access to what a user likes or dislikes, and marketers using the significant details of one's life at an advantage, it should only be the prime reason for users to deactivate the account and ‘connect' to the real world.u00a0

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