7 Intriguing Reads for the Monsoon

10 June,2021 07:40 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  BrandMedia

Founder of Chellam Healing Center, Nithya Chellam empowers people to choose a better path in life and to help people lead a quality life

7 Intriguing Reads for the Monsoon

7 Intriguing Reads for the Monsoon

As we gear up to say goodbye to the boiling hot summers and welcome the cool monsoon winds, we know there is nothing better to do than curl up in your cosy corner at home with a cup of hot chocolate and an unputdownable book. Pull out your thin, soft blanket, gather your friends who love discussing books and dive right into these 7 mind-numbing, inspiring and poignant curation of books that you must read this monsoon.

1. A Place Called Home by Nithya Chellam
If you've been looking for an invitation for self-love, this it. Have you ever experienced the feeling that you belong in another space or another world? Do you ever feel that you do not belong to anyone? A Place Called Home by Nithya Chellam warmly and effortlessly conveys the truth and reality of life. A series of personal experiences enables readers to explore what home really means to each one of us. Clear your weekends for this soul-soothing read!

Founder of Chellam Healing Center, Nithya Chellam empowers people to choose a better path in life and to help people lead a quality life. A glimpse of her real-life work is evident in her literary work.

2. Love in Modern Times by Nitish Raj
Ever spent hours deciphering the reality of love, romance and relationships? Love in Modern Times by Nitish Raj is the answer to every millennial and Gen-Z's quest for love. This easy to read, powerful novel analyses the "move on" culture after every long term relationship, reasons why most partnerships have a premature death and circumstances that lead to a lack of commitment and love affairs. This is an unforgettable book about an unforgettable aspect of life!

A literary critic turned writer, Nitish Raj is the author of 20 short story writings. His work brims with emotions, nullifying a romance that is based on expectations and fairytale. Instead, he likes to think of romance as an experience-based part and parcel of life.

3. Miracle: Conversations with a Cherub by N. Srinivasa Raghavan
A masterpiece dedicated to specially-abled children, Miracle is the fictionalized account of the author's late nephew, his late brother's eldest son. A child of great beauty and more importantly, the beauty of spirit. This fictionalized account presents the 10 beautiful years that the author got to spend with the child, and this association enriched him in mind and spirit. The lessons that the child taught the author weren't immediately apparent to him, caught as he was in the emotion of the moment, and dealing with his little bundle of joy. Only after the child passed away did the full import of the purpose of his life, and the important life lessons that he taught dawned on the family members, particularly the author. The child couldn't even speak, and this book is an attempt by the author to give a voice to his little angel, and in the process getting to know his perspective. His dramatic reappearance is presented in Part I titled Homecoming, his Perspectives are presented in Part II titled Revelations, and his life lessons comprise Part III of the book titled Gospel. It is the author's hope that the book enriches the reader in mind and spirit and surely deserves a place in the elite list.

N. Srinivasa Raghavan is an Information Technology professional, having spent more than 28 years in the Indian IT industry to date. After spending close to 25 years in the IT industry as part of his formal career, during which time he had occasion to work with two of the top three Indian IT companies, namely, Wipro Technologies (July 2003 - February 2011) and Tata Consultancy Services (March 2011 - December 2015), he chose to call time on his formal career in the IT industry in December 2015 and has since become a freelance technology trainer. The objective of taking this important career decision was to spend more quality time with his ageing parents, and to explore his other interests, namely reading and spirituality. Though writing has been at the back of his mind for quite some time, it finally came to fruition at the passing away of his dear mother. His maiden literary effort was a memoir of his mother, and this is his second literary effort. He stays in Hyderabad with his father.

4. The Realms of Emotions by Jyoti Jha
This book unravels the versatility of human emotions. Each chapter approaches a different emotion and highlights how they are associated with our experiences and affect all our relationships. This collection will hit you right in the feels and make you more aware of your emotions.

Jyoti Jha's profession as an HR has enabled her to dive into the human consciousness and understand the emotions we feel in everyday life and during specific situations.

5. One more inning by Girish Patel
Have you ever heard of FIRE? Financial Independence, Retire Early. This book is all about the numbers and strategy that will ensure that you can retire early from the workforce and at the same time live a rich life. Some mantras mentioned in the book include:
On earning: "Never depend on a single income. Invest to create a second source."
On spending: "If you buy things you don't need, you will soon sell things you need."
On saving: "Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving."
On investment: "Don't put all your eggs in one basket."
On retirement fund: "Rule of 4%"

Girish Patel is a seasoned veteran and an innovator in the world of life insurance. He has been instrumental in defining this space that is now defining many aspects of the growing agency channel as a growth booster in the industry.

6. The King of the Sea by Nandan Gautam
A metaphysical novel, this book transports you to the realm of reality where the past and the future coincide. A definite page-turner, travel through the depths of time with the protagonist as he unfolds his quest. This thrilling epic enunciates the importance of personal growth, self-revelation and love.

Nandan Gupta has composed a two-album soundtrack for this book especially for an immersive reading for the readers.

7. Magic of mind by Ravi Velluri
In a world where the pandemic has led everything to spiral out of control, author Ravi Velluri's Magic of Mind is a collection of 50 articles that seeks to transform the mind through age-old techniques of meditation, pranayama, yoga, and breathing. As the world sees wave after wave of Covid-19, placate your mind, body and soul with this books suggestions on how to train yourself to be calm and in control.

In December of 2020, the author tested positive following which his mother did too. She succumbed to the virus and the author takes to his pen to jot down how he consoled himself with his unprecedented loss.

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