A steady stream of music

28 December,2019 09:37 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  Shunashir Sen

We got four city-based music enthusiasts to try out a new streaming app for songs. Find out how it fared

A steady stream of music

Readers of a certain vintage will remember the era of audio cassettes and later, CDs, both of which are musical dinosaurs today. The Internet changed consumption patterns to such an extent that the world is now your oyster when choosing a song. Streaming apps like Spotify and Apple Music are playing a constant game of one-upmanship, trying to wean each other's clientele away. But there is a new player that entered the field last month. Resso is a streaming platform that is still in its beta phase. We nonetheless got four music enthusiasts from Mumbai to give the app a shot. Read on to find out how they rated it.

Log on to Google Play Store to find Resso

Daring to go
Keshav Naidu, 40, content creator

What I like about Resso is the lyrics feature and the user interface, which is unlike any other music app, since you have to scroll up, like it is with TikTok. I also like the 'vibes' that you can add to a song. I think it is quite a cool function. There is an animated gif for a video option, for example, which gets added to a song of your choice. And it gets added for everybody, not just you, though I'm not sure. I think it's peer-to-peer, in the sense that they want to encourage a community feeling, which is also something I like. What I don't like is that the sound catalogue is quite thin, though that might be because it's still in the beta phase. So you can't hate on that, and while Apple and Spotify are competing neck to neck, these guys are trying something daring and different.

Looking for home
Yeshi Chaudhary, 32, media professional

The fact that there is no 'Home' button in the app confused me. When I first opened the app, it asked me to choose a language. The options are between English, Hindi and other regional languages. The second step is to choose at least three artistes from a given list. This is a process similar to Netflix. It's a good idea, though the acts that are available to choose from are limited, and mostly pop artistes. But that might be because the app is still under development. The one feature I absolutely love, though, is where you get to choose an artiste and hit the 'Albums' button in the top bar, which shows all the albums by the artiste. This is great when one wants to deep-dive into a musician's discography. I am not used to listening to whole albums from end to end. I think many people aren't in the current world of streaming services. So this feature, and the lyrics, made me really happy.

More than words
Kahini Panjabi, 30, graphic designer

I like the scrolling feature, where you go up and the next song plays. I also like the whole karaoke thing with the lyrics, because you don't have to go to some other site for the words and come back, making it super easy. The user interface is pretty cool. The app is pretty sorted, actually. The range of the song selection is good. I went through a lot of the indie stuff, and what makes this app different from others is the scrolling feature and, of course, the lyrics feature. I'd definitely recommend it to my friends, though the only thing is that name is a bit tough to remember.

It's like social media
Ayudh Roy, 39, media producer

The UI of the app has a lot of engaging properties. It's more like a social media app than just a music one. I get to share my views, lyrics and make a wallpaper for myself, so it's got a lot of things in it. This app is interactive - it's the first thing that came to my mind when I opened it. There is also an India-heavy database of artistes. There are Kannada and Marathi songs, for example, and that's great. It sets Resso apart from the others. They are concentrating on the Indian subcontinent since there is a lot of potential here. The only thing I didn't like is that the music plays by itself, in the sense that it won't wait for me to choose a song and then play it. Also, there is a lack of indie music, though I guess that's because they want to start by targeting a mainstream audience.

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