10-year-old girl killed by speeding SUV

26 December,2018 09:10 AM IST |  New Delhi  |  PTI

A huge crowd gathered at the spot but the driver managed to escape, she said. Police later nabbed him and found that he was drunk

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A 10-year-old girl was killed Tuesday after she was allegedly hit by a speeding SUV in west Delhi's Punjabi Bagh area, police said.

The Punjabi Bagh police station was informed about the accident in the area at around 4 pm, they added. On reaching the spot, a Duster SUV car was found to have hit bushes near the accident site and then the minor girl, police said.

Investigation revealed that while the girl was walking on an uneven path leading to the slum area, where she lived amid the bushes, the vehicle at high speed hit the girl, Deputy Commissioner of Police (west) Monika Bhardwaj said.

A huge crowd gathered at the spot but the driver managed to escape, she said. Police later nabbed him and found that he was drunk. The alleged vehicle belongs to one of his acquaintance, police said, adding a case has been registered.

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