19-yr-old gang-raped after taking auto from mall

08 March,2013 01:17 AM IST |   |  Agencies

The trio gave the girl a lift in a stolen auto, raped her, stole her mobile and cash, before dumping her in the fields; two of the three accused arrested

The 19-year-old class XII student, who was raped by three men on the night of March 2, had fought hard to save herself from her assailants, police here said yesterday.

Two of the three men involved in the incident have been arrested. "All three are in their twenties," Superintendent of Police Ghaziabad rural Jagdish Sharma said.

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The girl, a resident of Trilokpuri in east Delhi, had motioned for the auto to stop and take her on board from near Shipra Mall on National Highway 24 at about 8.30 pm, police officials said.

The men had stopped and told her that they were headed her way, and would drop her at Trilokpuri. However, they attacked the girl, gagged her and raped her inside the tempo. She resisted and, in the process, an iron railing on the window of the vehicle broke.

In her statement to the police, the girl mentioned that the rod on the window had broken; she also informed them that the vehicle had a black tarpaulin sheet that covered the windows and served as a curtain of sorts.

The girl had earlier resisted a diversion in the route of the vehicle - while the men had initially told her they were headed towards Delhi, they later took a U-turn and drove in the opposite direction.

When the girl questioned the change of direction in the vehicle, two of the men sat beside her and gagged her.

Looted and dumped
After raping her in the vehicle, the men dragged the 19-year-old out into the fields near Bankey Bihari Dental College and again raped her, taking turns.

Policemen found a tempo that fitted the description given by the girl parked in Dasna town of Ghaziabad. Its owner said the vehicle had been stolen from him, and that a police complaint in the matter had been lodged earlier.

The vehicle's owner, Prem Singh, said three men in an inebriated condition had taken the vehicle from its driver, Pintu, in broad daylight on March 2.

The men had been driving to Delhi in the vehicle, and had stopped at Khoda for some repairs to the auto. At around 8.30 pm, they were near Shipra Mall.

After committing the crime, the men left the girl in the fields and fled. They took with them Rs 400 that the girl had with her, her ATM card and mobile phone. The girl managed to reach a police station at 11.30 pm to lodge a complaint.

"Police conducted a medical examination and registered the case under sections 376, 364, 392 and 342 of IPC (dealing with gang-rape, kidnap with intention of murder, robbery and wrongful confinement)," a police official said.

The police, on a tip-off from driver Pintu, identified one of the culprits as Dabban, who confessed to the crime and admitted that there were two others with him.

The two other men were identified as Vikrant and Ankit. "Dabban and Ankit have been arrested and raids are being conducted to arrest Vikrant," SSP Nitin Tiwari said.

Unsafe Delhi
>> u00a0A 24-year-old woman was gang-raped by four people, including an acquaintance, in Delhi's Swaroop Nagar on Feb 8, 2013. All her attackers have been arrested.u00a0
>>u00a0On Jan 23, an 18-year-old girl was kidnapped and repeatedly raped for 12 days by her former landlord's son.u00a0
>>u00a0On Dec 16, a 23-year-old girl was gang-raped in a moving bus. She was brutally attacked and thrown out of the moving vehicle. The incident sparked a nationwide outrage.

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