Cop's car set on fire in Kolhapur; one arrested

13 February,2020 10:02 AM IST |  Kolhapur  |  PTI

The accused in the case, Subhash Desai, has been taken into custody, the official said.

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Kolhapur: The car of a police inspector parked in front of his home was set on fire by a man here in Maharashtra, an official said on Wednesday. The incident took place when on Tuesday night when a man set ablaze the car of Inspector Sanjay Patange, attached to the Bhudargad Police station in Kolhapur district, after pouring kerosene, he said. No casualty was reported in the incident.

The accused in the case, Subhash Desai, has been taken into custody, the official said. Desai allegedly committed the act to take revenge on Patange who had initiated action against an illegal shop erected by the accused, he said. Meanwhile, in a separate case,a mob attacked a polic party that went to raid a gambling den at Akurde in Bhudargarh taluka of the district on Tuesday, he added.

Assistant police inspector Amit Deshmukh and head constable Anil Chavan were injured in the incident, he added.

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