Wife, son murder 42-year-old, burn body over domestic feud in Solapur

24 January,2020 08:04 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  PTI

The incident came to light on last Friday when the police found the decomposed body of a man at Laul village in Madha tehsil.

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A 42-year-old man was allegedly killed by his son and wife with the help of the son's friends over a domestic feud in Maharashtra's Solapur district, the police said on Thursday. The deceased was identified as Angadrao Suresh Ghuge, resident of Bhalgaon in Barshi tehsil. The incident came to light on last Friday when the police found the decomposed body of a man at Laul village in Madha tehsil, an official said.

There were deep injuries on the body and it had been set on fire. The police later found an abandoned Scorpio car with blood stains inside in Barshi. DNA samples from the unidentified body found in Laul matched with the blood. The owner of the Scorpio, Sonu Pawar, told police that he had given the car on January 11 to Vishal Ghuge (19), and Ghuge had not returned the car even after a week.

The police questioned Ghuge, who allegedly admitted that he alongwith and his mother Jayashree killed Angadrao Ghuge, his father, as the deceased often quarelled with them over domestic issues. Fed up with his behaviour, Vishal, his mother and three of his friends killed Angadrao, he allegedly told police.

The police arrested Vishal and his mother while search was on for the remaining three accused, the officer said.

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