Man rapes minor girl after feeding her drug-laced chocolate

16 February,2019 08:57 PM IST |   |  mid-day online correspondent

Survivor's parents confront accused, who leads them to the scene of the crime. Enraged parents and relatives thrash suspect when they find survivor stripped down naked at the location

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Chennai: A man sexually assaulted a 16-year-old school girl after giving her chocolate that had been laced with ganja. The alleged sexual assault occurred in Reddipalayam, a village near Minjur on the outskirts of Chennai.

According to Mirror Now, the man, identified as Bharat, befriended the 12th-grade girl of the same village. A few days ago, Bharat approached the girl, who was returning from school and promised to take her to a place of natural beauty that she would appreciate.

Bharat took the girl on his motorcycle and reached a grove in Reddipalayam area, where he gave her a bar of chocolate laced with ganja, which she had no clue about. Unsuspecting it, the girl accepted the chocolate and consumed it. Later, the girl fainted and taking advantage of the situation, Bharat sexually assaulted her. It is alleged that Bharat too consumed the ganja-laced chocolate but after 2 hours, he recovered and left home riding his motorcycle, reports the website.

Meanwhile, the girl's parents were worried that their daughter had not returned from school yet and began enquiries. They learned that she accompanied Bharat on a motorcycle to a certain place.

When Bharat was confronted, he confessed to the crime he had committed after, which, the girl's relatives took him to the grove and found the girl in a naked condition. Enraged over the sight, the girl's parents and relatives thrashed Bharat.

Based on a complaint filed with the All-Woman police station in Ponneri regarding the alleged sexual assault by Bharat on the minor girl, the police have filed a case, under POCSO, against him.

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