Police: Man held for murdering 70-year-old had also raped and killed child

15 February,2018 08:50 AM IST |  Rajkot  |  PTI

A man, arrested four days ago for killing a 70-year-old woman, had raped and killed a three-year-old girl only two days after the first crime, police said today

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A man, arrested four days ago for killing a 70-year-old woman, had raped and killed a three-year-old girl only two days after the first crime, police said on Wednesday. Ramesh Vaidhukiya (26), an auto-rickshaw driver, was arrested on February 10 for killing Ashmaben Sadikot in Navagam area on the outskirts of the city on February 7.

According to police, he stabbed the woman, who had hailed his rickshaw, after taking her to an isolated spot and looting her. Two days later, he abducted a three-year-old girl from Chunaravad area, raped her twice and then killed her by smashing her head on a wall, police said. The girl's body was found on the premises of an abandoned college building on February 11. "We had arrested Vaidhukiya on February 10 for robbing and killing Ashmaben Sadikot," ACP (Crime) J H Sarvaiya told reporters today.

"While probing the murder of the three-year-old girl, we checked CCTV footage and found that it was the same person who had killed Sadikot and who was now in police custody," he said.

"We interrogated him and he confessed to have raped and killed the child," the ACP said, adding that further probe was on.

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