Woman gang-raped near Ludhiana, FIR registered

12 February,2019 10:55 AM IST |  Ludhiana  |  ANI

The victim informed the police that she, along with her friend, were going in a car from Ludhiana city towards Issewal village when their car was stopped by two unknown men on a motorcycle

Representational picture

Ludhiana: A woman, aged around 20, was allegedly gang-raped by 10-11 men near Issewal village in Ludhiana. The incident took place on February 9, but came to the fore on February 10 when the victim informed the police.

According to Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) VS Brar, the victim informed the police that she, along with her friend, were going in a car from Ludhiana city towards Issewal village on Saturday night when their car was stopped by two unknown men on a motorcycle.

The men on bikes started throwing bricks on the car and then dragged them out. Those bike-borne men later called few more men and raped the woman, the police said.

"A woman complained that 10-11 people stopped her car while she was travelling with a friend and raped her. FIR has been registered and medical examination is being done, an investigation is underway," he said.

The case is currently under investigation.

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