'I wanted to destroy her future'

13 November,2012 06:18 AM IST |   |  Vinay Dalvi

Chemical attacker Jerrit John showed no signs of remorse when he said this to cops; also said he wanted to cause permanent damage to the victim's face to teach her a lesson.

Cops from the Dadar police station interrogating chemical attacker Jerrit G John have noted a complete lack of remorse in the 44-year-old's statements and demeanour, and have revealed that he made no attempt whatsoever to disguise his vengeful hatred towards victim Aryanka Hosbetkar.u00a0

Pack up:u00a0Jerrit John wasu00a0on the run for four days before he was arrested from Nalla Sopara. He will be kept in custody till November 16.

Jerrit is now lodged in a police lock-up in Mahim, and will be kept in custody till November 16.

"I wanted to destroy her future since she had betrayed me," Jerrit told the police, revealed inspector Bhoite from Dadar police station.

Representation pic

Jerrit is a resident of Vashi. He was in a relationship with Aryanka Hosbetkar (26), a resident of Adarsh Nagar in Worli, but flung chemical at her face on November 6 at her residence, after their relationship soured.

Dadar police are yet to record Jerrit's statement. Jerrit, who is owner of No Nonsense Productions, reportedly told the cops that he wanted to cause severe and permanent damage to the victim's face in order to teach her a lesson.

During preliminary inquiries, Jerrit said that that he had filed for divorce from his wife on November 2 at the Thane court, as he wanted to be with Aryanka. But while the court procedures were still on, Aryanka sent him a mail saying that she did not wish to stay in touch with him.

"This disturbed me. I had filed for divorce only because I wanted to marry her," Jerrit said.

"Jerrit had been dating Aryanka for the past 11 months, even though he was married and had a five-year-old child. He filed for divorce, but by then Aryanka was determined to break up with him as she suspected him of having an affair with another woman. We will bring them face to face to understand the case," said an officer.

According to the police, Jerrit claimed that he had no intention of attacking the Borivli-based woman - reportedly Jerrit's other partner - who Aryanka had warned after she was assaulted. Jerrit insisted that he went to Borivli only to speak to the woman; he had realised during his conversation with Aryanka that the other woman had played a key role in their break-up, and so he wanted to confront her on the matter.

The woman however, did not allow Jerrit in, as Aryanka had warned her that he might try to attack her with the same chemical.

"The Borivli resident, Jerrit, and Aryanka had all met earlier as they were part of a cycling group, which went on various tours," said a police officer.

Evidence destroyed?
Cops now suspect that Jerrit may be trying to conceal some facts about his other relationship, and has also formatted his laptop and deleted all his personal online accounts to destroy evidence of the same.

"Some of Aryanka's friends have claimed that Jerrit was having an affair with a woman in Borivli. But both Jerrit and the woman have denied it. If we have access to the data in his laptop and his accounts, we can obtain more evidence against him. We will send the laptop to the forensic department and retrieve the information," said a police officer from Dadar police station

While speaking to him, cops also learnt that Jerrit was in full knowledge about the effects of the chemical he flung at Aryanka, as he uses it regularly in his office to develop short films.

"Jerrit was confused. He wanted to marry Aryanka, and had gone to threaten her. Realising that she was not ready to listen to him, he flung the chemical at her, aware of the effects it would have. Aryanka is still under treatment from doctors for her damaged eye," added the police officer.
The police are yet to recover Jerrit's car, which he dumped in Nalla Sopara. They are also inquiring about the man in Masjid Bunder from whom Jerrit purchased the chemical.u00a0

Other incidents
>> 20-year-old college girl Mona Chaudhary was attacked by two youths last week. It was later revealed that Mona's jilted lover Jayesh Patil had hired five of his friends to attack Mona, after she refused to marry him. Her face was slashed several times with a blade.

>>u00a017-year-old D N Nagar resident Preeti Margappa was attacked by Varish Qureshi on October 22. The girl had earlier objected to sexual harassment. Varish attacked her with a blade and slashed on her face several times.

>>u00a0On January 31, receptionist Arti Thakur's spurned lover attacked her with acid in the Goregaon railway station. Her face, chest and arms were burnt. She had been attacked earlier as well.

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news mumbai Chemical attacker Jerrit John permanent damage teach lesson Aryanka Hosbetkar