212 new Covid-19 cases in Thane, 5 more deaths

07 September,2021 10:41 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  PTI

Besides these new cases reported on Monday, the virus also claimed the lives of five more people, which raised the death toll in the district to 11,322

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With the addition of 212 new cases of coronavirus, the infection count in Maharashtra's Thane district has gone up to 5,53,113, an official said on Tuesday.

Besides these new cases reported on Monday, the virus also claimed the lives of five more people, which raised the death toll in the district to 11,322, he said.

The Covid-19 mortality rate in Thane stood at 2.04 per cent, he added.

In neighbouring Palghar district, the Covid-19 case count has gone up to 1,34,794, while the death toll stands at 3,293, another official said.

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