Absconding Khar cop had refused to register child sexual abuse case

07 August,2014 07:18 AM IST |   |  Saurabh Vaktania

Khar police inspector who is accused of being part of an extortion racket to get a man to vacate his flat allegedly also refused to register a case involving sexual abuse of a minor

The Khar police inspector who is accused of being part of an extortion racket to get a man to vacate his flat allegedly also refused to register a case involving the sexual abuse of a minor. The father of the child approached mid-day yesterday after reading this newspaper's report (‘Fugitive cop was part of extortion racket, August 6) about the inspector.

Inspector Mahendra Nerlekar, along with API Subhash Samant, allegedly connived with local goon Robin Gonsalves, builder Vijay Arora and his driver Mahesh Kamble to grab a flat from real estate agent Sanjay Pawar and get him to cough up money.

Samant and Nerlekar managed to give the ACB a slip when a trap was laid for them. According to the father of the 11-year-old survivor of sexual abuse, he is divorced and has his son's custody. His wife, he said, stays in Khar along with her unmarried 40-year-old brother. Around two months ago, the court had ordered that the son would stay with his mother two days a week.

‘My son is terrified'
"During his stay, my wife's brother my son's uncle sexually abused him. He threatened to throw him from the 11th floor and kill him. My son is terrified and it has the incident has affected him badly. He confided in me about the abuse later," said the father. He added that when he went to Khar police station to register a complaint last week, Nerlekar made him wait for three hours. Moreover, he didn't register the case.

On Monday, hours before the ACB laid their trap, the complainant says Nerlekar called and spoke to him for 20 minutes, during which he allegedly asked for a favour and said he would help the complainant only if he "received something in return." "The case should be immediately registered and Nerlekar should be made an accused in it, since he neglected the matter," the father said.

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