After rape, model accuses beau of threatening calls

14 March,2011 07:03 AM IST |   |  Shiva Devnath

Having filed a rape case against her live-in boyfriend, she claims he has been making late night calls to force her to withdraw the case

Having filed a rape case against her live-in boyfriend, she claims he has been making late night calls to force her to withdraw the case

The 27-year-old model-actress, who had accused her boyfriend of rape and stealing her valuables, has now alleged that he has been calling her late in the night to abuse and threaten her, allegedly to pressurise her into withdrawing the police complaint she had lodged against him.

The model

MiD DAY had earlier reported ('Actress accuses live-in boyfriend of rape, theft', March 4, 2011) about how the model, Savita (name changed), had filed a case against her boyfriend, Dipesh Parekh, a struggling model she met during the shoot of a movie in Jaipur.

She had accused him of having raped her a number of times, assaulting her, and running away with her money and jewellery worth more than Rs 6.5 lakh. The Goregaon police had then booked him under Section 376 (rape) of the IPC and sent a team to Rajasthan to search for him.

Last night, in a phone call to MiD DAY, Savita claimed that Dipesh had been giving her threatening calls after she lodged the police complaint.

"Last night, he called me to say that he would not let me stay happily because I filed a police complaint against him. He is threatening me that unless I withdraw the complaint, he will continue making my life miserable, and will make sure I do not get any movies to work in," Savita told MiD DAY.

She added, "He has been calling me in the night regularly, abusing and threatening me. I was in a relationship with him for the past two years and wanted to marry him. But he made false promises and ran away with my valuables."

On Saturday, Savita had met Additional Commissioner of Police Ramrao Pawar, north region, and told him that she has been getting these calls, police officials said.

"Savita told us about the threatening phone calls. The calls she has been getting are all from landlines. The last call was received from Jaipur and we have sent a team there to trace the accused. We are investigating the case," said Pawar.

Bad romance

Savita, a Goregaon resident, had come to the city from Delhi. She met Dipesh, who is from Jaipur, when she was shooting for a film in a village in Rajasthan in 2009.

The two had fallen in love during the shooting. She further claimed, "Initially, everything was fine, but then I became pregnant. Dipesh asked me to abort the child, which I did. In fact, during the relationship I had three abortions."

Savita also claimed that her boyfriend was involved in a sexual relationship with another male model and that when she confronted him about it, he started physically abusing her. "I tried to counsel him about his homosexual activities, but he didn't listen and wanted me to be in his life as well," Savita had said.

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rape case boyfriend model Savita mumbai