Mumbai: Last rites conducted for custodial death victim

05 April,2015 08:50 AM IST |   |  Shirish Vaktania

Hari Birbal Chauhan put to rest after Mumbai police commissioner Rakesh Maria promises Pardhi chief strict action

Protestors outside Malwani police station

Last evening, the family of Hari Birbal Chauhan - the custodial death victim who was found hanging from a shirt at Malwani police on Wednesday an hour after he was interrogated in a robbery case - gave their consent to carry out the final rites.

Also read: Daughter of Mumbai man, who hung self in police lock-up wants justice

Protestors outside Malwani police station

This development came after Mumbai police commissioner Rakesh Maria assured the Pardhi tribal chief that he would take strictest action against the culprit and the concerned police officer within two days, once he received the investigation report.

The incident
Late on Tuesday night, Malwani police had arrested Saifan Raju Kale, 22, for allegedly robbing gold jewellery from a house in the nearby area. He allegedly had given the ornaments to his father-in-law, Chauhan, who then allegedly stole them.

While Saifun confessed to his crime during investigation on Tuesday, the police picked up Chauhan at 5 am on Wednesday for questioning.

The cops claimed that Chauhan, who also allegedly confessed to the crime, had committed suicide an hour later. The family challenged this claim and said the police had killed him.

Pardhi community chief Ramu Kale said, "We finally carried out the final rites after Rakesh Maria promised to take action against the duty officer who was present during the questioning."

He also added that Maria has also promised to meet the Chauhan family on April 26.

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