Mumbai: In Vasai-Virar, classes for Std X students on cable network

08 September,2020 07:04 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  Pallavi Smart, Prakash Bambhrolia

Local MLAs initiative helps Std X students who do not have smart devices or good internet to learn through television

A teacher conducts a class while it is being recorded

For those Vasai-Virar children who are worried about missing out on their studies due to their inability to afford smart devices, there's another option now to continue with it. Local MLA Kshitij Thakur in collaboration with a trust and a college in the area has started airing classes for Std X students through a local cable network, so that they can watch them on TV. The content has been prepared based on the state board syllabus and teachers from private schools have already started recording the classes.

Speaking to mid-day, Thakur said, "The idea is to make education available to those who may be lagging behind or missing out on schooling for lack of a smart device. We prepared the content for the first term of Std X based on the state board syllabus. The classes are being aired on TV, while the team is working on other classes." The content is being prepared with help from education experts at VIVA College in Virar, which is run by Thakur's family. The college has cameras and other infrastructural support with the help of which teachers from private schools record classes and then college students edit them. Thakur said since this was for a social cause, everybody was doing it for free.

Currently classes for Std X students are being aired while the teachers are working on other classes

The classes are aired twice a day - once in the morning and then in the evening. Students can view them as per their convenience. Moreover, if students have any doubts regarding the classes, they have an option of posting their questions through Youtube links of the classes provided on TV.
"We are working on creating a database of frequently asked questions with help from experts so that whenever a student posts a query, he/she can get the answer immediately, even if a teacher is not available online at that time. However, currently, we have a panel of teachers who take turns to be online for answering the questions during the weekend," added Thakur.

When asked how this initiative was different from the one launched by the state government, in which the education department airs classes through Sahyadri Channel or Tata Sky, Thakur said, "This is a local initiative and a two-way communication process. Students can note down their doubts during the classes and teachers are available to solve them. Not always, but children can get access to a smart device once in a week or in two weeks to post their questions on the given Youtube link."

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