Senior cop calls killer of sister, nephew 'bechara'

15 October,2011 07:00 AM IST |   |  Vinay Dalvi

At a press conference, a senior inspector sympathised with man who killed his kin as 'he was tormented by his sister'

At a press conference, a senior inspector sympathised with man who killed his kin as 'he was tormented by his sister'

In an unrestrained show of consolation with the remorseless and confessed murderer of the High Court lawyer duo, a senior cop from JJ Marg police station produced him before the press and addressed him as 'bechara'.
According to him, the victim had maltreated him.

JJ Marg police produce Aslam Shaikh after he was caught for murdering his sister and nephew. During the press meeting, Senior Inspector Khanderao Patil commiserated with Shaikh saying his slain sister did not give him money in time of need

Fahmida Shaikh (60) and her nephew Arsh Zafar (27), both working as lawyers in the Bombay High Court were found dead by Tabassum, wife of Fahmida's elder brother Iqbal, on October 10 around 4 pm.
Following the case, cops arrested Fahmida's brother Aslam Shaikh (50), and produced him at the press briefing yesterday.

It was here that Senior Inspector Khanderao Patil let the media know how the killer had been wronged by his sister.

Justifying the use of the pitiful adjective for Aslam, Patil said, "His sister (Fahmida) had forcefully taken all his property. Despite this, she had been dominating him."u00a0

The inspector seemed to have forgotten that the "poor" accused has been charged with murdering his sister and nephew.

In fact, he has confessed to the crimes and expressed no remorse. "I don't regret killing them," said Aslam, while talking to media persons.

"Aslam killed Fahmida because she made him sign on some papers and took all his property in the city.
She was ready to spend Rs 3 lakh to go on Hajj, but when Aslam asked for Rs 3,000 to treat his son after he had burnt his hand, she did not give him any money. Fahmida was a dictator and treated him like a servant.
She never gave him any money," Patil said.

Aslam had to stay in Meerut as his house in Mumbai had allegedly been taken away. Fahmida's husband had died eight years ago, and ever since, she had been staying at the house in Pathanwadi in Dongri.

The leads
"In our investigations, we learnt there was no forced entry into the house, which was locked from outside after the murders. It primarily seemed to be the work of an insider," said Patil.

The police then interrogated people associated with Fahmida and learnt that she had three brothers. One of them is Iqbal, who has been arrested for extortion and is now in Arthur Road jail. Arsh was his son who had been adopted by Fahmida.

Cops also learnt that Aslam, another of her brothers, worked at a nail cutter factory in Meerut. "We then called Aslam so he could claim the body as he was a blood relative of Fahmida. But he told us to hand over the bodies to his uncle in Dharavi," said Patil.
"This raised our suspicion. We rang him up again and told him to at least come to take care of the property that belongs to Fahmida. She has three flats in Dongri and one in Mumbra," said Patil.

Aslam told the cops he would think whether to come or not. But by that time, cops had learnt of a friend of Aslam's who stays in Dharavi and they contacted him. He told them that Aslam would be coming to the city.
Cops then picked him up from Mumbai Central station after he got off a train from Meerut.

Entered from roof
"Initially, Aslam denied killing the duo but when cops found injury marks on his hands and questioned him again, he admitted to the crime. He told us he killed his sister Fahmida and nephew Arsh on October 7.

He had come to the city and got into the house from the roof at midnight, when the victims were asleep. He slashed their throats. Arsh tried to resist, and in the tussle, bruised Aslam's hands," Patil said.

After killing them, he locked the door from outside and fled to Meerut.
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Senior cop killer sister nephew JJ Marg police Aslam Shaikh press meeting